Monday 25 May 2015

The Power of The Light Within

“It is our light and not our darkness that most frightens us”

The above line is quoted from the famous poem by Marianne Williamson which is known by many people. This poem is practically engraved in so many people’s minds, I often see people post about it and even motivational speakers share it in their talks as they address masses. In as much as it is known by many people few people actually live according to this message, the message is merely knowledge and not practice to many people. Reason being fairly simple, many people are frightened by their own light.

They are so many people living an average life and playing it small just to get by in life. People walk in an already set pattern for their life and live according to what the world has perceived to be the standard of life. The standard of go to school, get a good job, find a man that can provide for you and a woman that will look after you, get kids, start a family and live a life paying off your car and house for a long period of time, to the extent that debt becomes a norm in your everyday life. Not to say having a family and possessions is wrong but my concern is how so many people deem that as all that there is in life. Dreams and talents are not explored and utilized to their greatest capacity. Mediocrity ends up being a set standard in their life.

Further to those who live up to the mediocrity line are the dreamers and ambitious people who only dream. They have a set vision of how they want their life to be but never take active steps in making it happen. They are always inspired by the rich and famous but that inspiration is never fuelled by action. Vision and ambition that is not accompanied by action is as beautiful as a master piece drawn on a serviette.

Now the common factor between these two individuals is fear. Every person has a dream and goals they want to achieve in life. Every person at some point in their life desired to make their dreams a reality, up until fear creped in. Fear paralyses dreams, it creates so much self- doubt and anxiety that it ends up being the number dream killer. Fear then pulls people back into their comfort zone. The comfort zone is more familiar and risk free. There are no concerns about the unknown in the comfort zone. What ends up happening then is people settle for a life far less than what they dreamed of and end up giving up.

So many people are bystanders in life. They envy the success of others and wish to be like them but are never willing to make the sacrifice it takes to obtain that level of success.I encourage you today not be a bystander but rather an active participant in your own life.

The most difficult part is making that decision to take that first step to step up and live the life you have always imagined. It takes boldness and courage and lots of faith in God and your own abilities. Plan and execute your plan. Only you know what you have always wanted to do in life. It took a decision to get you where you are today and if you are unhappy and unfulfilled it will take yet another decision to get you where you want to be. Don’t just talk about it, make it happen. Connect yourself with the right people, do research about those that walked a similar path and made it work for them then implement that strategy in your own life. This is your own life, take charge of it and never let giving up ever be an option as there will be challenges and setbacks even failure but nothing can defeat a person whose soul is filled with faith and belief. Up until you are stretched beyond the familiar you will never achieve the impossible.

I decided to write this post to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and live the life they have always imagined. The day I decided to pursue my business full time and resign from a job that didn’t fulfill me was a shift in my life that I will cherish forever. I constantly felt like I was selling my soul for a pay cheque just to pay my bills. I don’t regret my decision as I know that Dunamis Consulting and Events is going to be a success. The word Dunamis meaning the miraculous power of God. There has been no greater feeling than to overcome the fear of failure and take an active step in stepping into my destiny. Failure is simply a redirection to another path in life. What doesn’t work in one area is a redirection into another path where success is waiting. I serve the world no purpose by playing it small, I owe it to the world to be all that God intended for me to be when he created me and it is my prayer that many people come to that level of self-discovery and have faith in their own power and influence.

Thursday 31 May 2012



Wealth, money, riches. Three simple words that hold such immense power, simply because anyone who is associated with these words is perceived as being powerful. Whether you are consumed by money, defined by money or are just one of those people who just use money as a way to supply your basic necessities, at the end of the day money is an essential commodity we all need and use to survive. In as much as it is a useful commodity it comes with a lot of negative aspects as well. The bible deems it as being the root of all evil and people say that money changes a person while others claim that it changes those around you. Many say that you can never have enough of it. Some hope it will take their problems away, some use it to give them power while others say that more money brings more problems. Spot how I have personified money to being this influential being that is needed and desired by everyone. If money were a person, he/she would be praised and worshiped every day. Money really doesn’t hold as much power as people think. I want you to understand that money will not give you things, but you can do things that will give you money... confused? Let me enlighten you.
If you want to be wealthy look within yourself. NO!! You did not misread that statement. Infact I will repeat it, if you want to be wealthy look within yourself. If you want to be influential and excel in all your endeavours look and search deep within yourself. That process of looking within yourself is called finding and living within your purpose. That voice that always tells you to step out and try it, go out there and live it and be it, is your purpose dying to come out of you and make itself known to the world and even those around you. Some discover their purpose at an early age while others take a while to fully be certain of it. I personally feel that those who discover it at an early stage are those very few brave individuals who stepped out of conformity. Your true life calling will only start unleashing itself the moment you choose to step out of your comfort zone.
Everyone has always known what it is that they want to be known for in life, but not everyone is brave enough to go out there and make it a reality for themselves. I use the word brave because when someone is brave they are full of confidence, drive, boldness, guts and strength to achieve a set goal. Many leave their true calling behind and progress with a routine and scheduled life because of fear. That fear that told them that it has been done before or that there is no market for it or how many have tried and never succeeded and you are no different from them. You create your own reality and can be lost in making it into the ‘’big time’’ or even worse losing faith in the works of your own purpose all because you are living in other people’s perceptions of what they deem as being realistic.
 ‘’l am not being mean I’m just being realistic it is not going to work’’ how many times have you heard that negative statement from people, even from those close to you. Purpose usually comes with sacrifice and nothing great was ever achieved without sacrifice. In order to gain one thing you need to let go of another so a new era in your life can commence. You however need to be fully equipped with perseverance and armed with bravery. There are a lot of people out there who know their calling but fail to work on it because they chose to conform to a system that made life easier for them. Richard Branson is not a multi-billionaire because he conformed. He could have easily played it safe and listened to those voices and opinions that told him that a dyslexic boy who can hardly read, spell or write will never be influential and rich one day. Oprah Winfrey could have given up when the odds were against her. When the so called “ reality” was that a black woman will never make it in the television industry let alone host her own show. Our very own Bonang Matheba could have given up after numerous auditions and when at first the live viewers never received her well into the show as co presenting with Andile Ncube. All of these popular people share a lot in common they are wealthy, well known and influential. The one thing that is very common amongst them is that they all became wealthy from fulfilling and living well within their purpose. They all followed the order of wealth.
I repeat: money will not give you things but you can do things that will give you money. By things I mean you can serve through your purpose. Make sure that you serve to your highest ability. Leave no stone unturned and never be limited by anyone or anything and especially never limit yourself. Your purpose holds the key to your wealth. Don’t be trapped thinking it is going to take forever for your calling in life to be a well known success. Don’t look upon rich people and desire their wealth when you do not even know the journey they travelled to get to where they are. Most successful people were tested continuously before they can now safely reap the rewards of their hard work. Steve Jobs was fired from his own company but used that setback to empower him to keep going and that is why he is still known even though he passed away. His inventions will live on all because he persevered wit h his purpose and never gave in despite how difficult it got. He amongst many others is a success because he ran his own race. He knew his calling and fulfilled his purpose and his wealth came as a result.
I myself can relate to my own article. At the age of 22 I know my purpose in life. I am a confident, ambitious and driven young woman who will never keep her eye of the goal. I am running an organisation that I together with a partner are starting from the ground and building it up. I am a writer because sharing my God given wisdom with people is my calling. I have a taken a leap of faith in a higher power and in myself. I have been asked by many people how I keep going with no income seeing that my inability to find a job has left me broke numerous times. I simply answer by letting them know that they see the beginning but I am living in the end result of my hard work. I am not only starting an organisation but I am serving another one as well. Yes there are moments of frustration when I just want to give up and take the easy way out and anyone who quits takes the easy way out because they prefer to stick to conformity. Not me! I know my order of wealth. I will fulfil my purpose and the universe has no other option but to respond to what I am putting out there. Wealth will come as a result of my work. I am completely oblivious to other people’s successes; they ran their own race to acquire what they have. I will fail myself if I sit back and view their riches because if I do so who will be planting seeds into my own field. I am harvesting my field. Through storms and difficult moments my crops will continue to grow and once my season of tests are over and when the rainbow comes after my storm my ray of sunlight will be vivid for the whole world to see.
From musicians to actors, famous dancers and choreographers, artists, writers, professional speakers and people in the professional and corporate world; their wealth came from their purpose. They made their dreams a reality with or without income, they kept going. No one was ever called into a life of poverty. Wealth and riches belongs to each and every one of you but you have to go out and claim what is yours through service. Serve others through your purpose and the rewards of your work will serve you by giving you wealth. You will be broken first and don’t fear it instead allow it to happen because life has to break you down before it can reward you and build you up. Don’t idolise money by giving it power. The real power lays within you the person who has the money. Don’t let impatience, self doubt and materialism hinder your understanding of the journey you have to embark in order to reveal your unique order of wealth. Walk in your lane of purpose.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Relationships are The Sole Determiner of Your Worth


A couple of weeks ago I had a very profound discussion with my friend Keneiloe. It started off as just basic girl talk, but we all know that girl talk never ends without men consuming about 80% of the discussion. In the midst of all the laughter and craziness she said something that hit me and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. She said and I quote “relationships determine and reveal the way that you as a person feel about yourself and the self worth you possess” From then on not only did I begin to reflect on my past relationships but also on my own personal growth from then till now. Those very words inspired this article.

A study was done and it revealed that the most googled word is ‘love’. Many say that love is just a word until someone special comes along and gives it meaning. People go through their lives just seeking love. This is why there are so many reality shows these days centred on finding love and meeting your soul mate. Even social networks have become a means of finding love and I am not just talking about dating sites. I am sure that we have all come across those inboxes and twitter direct messages from random people confessing their love for you just by viewing your pictures. Some people genuinely want to get to know you by using social networks as a medium to do so, while others just want the easy way into your panties or your pockets. You might think I’m being harsh but it’s simply a harsh reality. 

Love is a beautiful feeling. No one wants to ever go through life without a partner. No amount of money can ever fulfil the beauty of sharing life with someone special. Yes you can use money to get the ladies and actually attract them by gloating about how deep your pockets go, but as much as men would like to deny it, finding that one special partner is far more valuable than “making it rain” on ten thousand other women. We live in a society that has allowed statistics to condone infidelity. We read things like  in terms of ratio there are more men than women so in all fairness women have to accept that men must be shared’’ or the very common words that many women utter “money doesn’t pay the bills”. All this proves is that in as much as we all seek love we use and abuse the true essence of it for our own selfish needs. We hurt each other; take advantage of each other’s ability to love and use each other and hide behind the word love because we are aware of the weight and importance that lies within the word love.

Singlehood has been placed with so many negative connotations. When someone is single we immediately assume that they are lonely and so desperate for love that they are willing to accept anyone that just glances towards their direction. Single does not mean lonely. In fact being single is the most precious time that is given to you. In your season of being single you can use that time to fully discover yourself. You can even work out a personal balance sheet of your life. Setting aside the people, things, fears and doubts that are holding you back in life as your liabilities. Measure them against the valuable people, things, aspirations, dreams, goals and influences as assets that you need to acquire and maintain in your life. This is the only balance sheet that violates accounting rules. By law of accounting liabilities and assets are suppose to be equal. But your personal balance sheet should actually have the assets outweighing the liabilities. For a well balanced life is when all the assets in your life overshadow and even abolish all the liabilities in your life, in that way a life bursting with hope and meaning is easily accessed. 

The song Hero by Mariah Carey holds so much meaning for me. It simply states that all the strength you need to make it through life lies within you. You are your greatest encourager to conquer all odds and only you have the ability to turn your tests into testimonials. Now the deception comes in when we are made to believe that being single only leads to depression. That is the biggest lie that you can ever feed your mind. What I am about to tell you needs to sink into the mind of a very mature mentality.....

In life you can never give or try to receive what you yourself don’t have. You can’t go through life trying so hard to find love and someone special to share your life with if you yourself are not fit enough to give that love back. We are so consumed about finding our ‘list man or woman’ you know that partner that has all the things you have written down and engraved in your mind. Love is not a check list that allows you to just mark off characteristics like a grocery list and if someone fits into your criteria that ultimately leads you to being madly in love with them. You can find yourself meeting that ‘’list partner’’ but find that feelings are not there at all and no matter how hard you try, the connection just doesn’t exist. Validation gives you inner peace but we are so frustrated as people these days because we are drawing all the wrong sources of validation. Money, sex, partying, women and men can fulfil your immediate satisfaction but once the immediate feeling is satisfied an even deeper sense of loneliness emerges. In no way am I judging anyone who partakes in these activities. All I am saying is that when the reasoning behind them ends up being a medium to feel validated you are creating a very dangerous space to reside in. 

We have all been hurt and heartbroken at some stage in our lives. If you were to really sit and reflect on your past relationships you would realise that you played a major role in your own heart ache. We are so quick to blame the douche bags and women who left us scarred but we fail to take responsibility ourselves. When someone continually lies, deceives, uses and cheats on you, you condone it with the words “but I love them”. When someone tells you from the get go that they are not really looking for a serious relationship, you deceive yourself and believe that you can change their mindset. Then you want to turn around and blame them for not taking you seriously and for using you when you led yourself to the situation you are in. You then hide yet again behind the words ‘’but I love them’’. When you are completely aware that someone has a wife or husband and you know the intensity of their marriage, you still allow yourself to be placed on the sidelines and believe that they will leave a union built upon God for you. When they don’t leave their partner you begin to feel belittled and used. Yet you still hide behind the words “but I love them’’ No one can ever do to you what you don’t allow them to do.

Do not ever go through life believing that love hurts. Love is to beautiful and pure to ever hurt.  What love will do is to bring forth challenges between two people but the depth of their love is exercised through such challenges. Yes we are human and we are bound to slip and do stupid things that will hurt the ones we love.  When you continuously commit the same acts though, is when you start using love as opposed to being in love. Relationships reveal your self worth. If you are willing to allow yourself to be abused, hurt, lied to, cheated on and used continuously it is time that you realise that you need to work on yourself. No one who truly loves themselves can allow their worth to diminish all in the pursuit of love.  You need to stop fearing being alone and start worrying about the person who is dying inside daily, all because you are yearning for validation. 

No one will ever complete you. Stop allowing your mind to be fed by movie storylines that say that true love completes you. True love is when two complete people come together in a union that maximises their true self by being together. Spot how I said maximises and not reveals. Your true love will maximise on what you have already worked on, in as much as you will maximise what they have already worked on.  Stop going through life jumping from one partner to the next to fill that void that your ex left within you. Deal with yourself and in the process uphold your dignity and worth. The results will begin to show because you will start attracting the right kind of people simply because what is shinning within will radiate onto your exterior. People settle for less because they don’t know their worth. They are too scared to take time to discover what truly makes them happy all because they fear being lonely. Loneliness is nonexistent in a mindset that knows what it wants and where it is going. Only you determine the intensity of such a mindset.

Relationships also reveal your own nature. If you are willing to cheat, lie or deceive someone who is truthful to you just to fulfil your own desires, what that does is reveal the nature of your character. You can’t claim to love someone if you are willing to use them. Do not hide behind such a powerful word (love) to condone your own actions.

Something to think about: the next time you find yourself in a relationship where you feel you are compromising your own self worth; before you say “but I love him/her” listen to that voice inside that says ‘MEANING YOU DON’T LOVE ME ENOUGH’!!!

Monday 23 April 2012

Joy That Emerges From Perpetual Pain


Conceived and then lived inside a womb for nine months. Protected inside your mother’s body as every bit of you is formed till the day you are birthed into this world. A day that will always be remembered as it marks your entry into this world. Every year celebrations commence to remember the date of your birth. As the years go by and as you grow you begin to envision the ideal life for yourself. The perfect job, perfect family and being that perfect individual that is highly respected and admired by many, not forgetting the ability to go through life without ever worrying about money because it is always at your disposal.  Waking up every morning and going to bed without ever dealing with stress, anxiety or worry because your life always follows a regular pattern because all the plans you have for your life come to pass at your set time and pace. In a nutshell you live a perfect life. 

The picture I have just painted is a life that exists in a world where no one will ever get to see because there is no such thing as a perfect life. We might all desire perfection but none of us will ever live to see the day where we fully exist in it. In the imperfect world we all live in, pain is a part of life. Not a single human being can ever live to say they have never endured pain in their lives. Pain is more than just a feeling, it is an experience. An experience we all loathe but one we can all relate to. It is the only thing that we all share in common. Whether you are going through it, have overcome it or will still have to come in contact with it. In the words of inspirational speaker Thobile Mkwanazi “we have to seek wholeness and not perfection”.
Life has a way of knocking you down so hard when you least expect it. It can take you from an all time high to feeling like you are trapped at your lowest point with no way out. Incidents in life can shock you. 

After months of research and advice from your financial advisor you could invest a large portion of your wealth into financial assets that deem no profit or even worse lead you to bankruptcy. You could take up a large portion of capital from a business you built from scratch with your hard work, sweat and tears to start up a new venture which at the time seemed like a feasible venture, only to find your business no longer exists due to a bad business call. You could wake up a millionaire one day and end up being unemployed with no money the next day. You could one day be celebrating being the first graduate in your family not knowing that you will soon find yourself as an unemployed graduate doing nothing all day. You could one day be celebrating the beginning of a Godly union with your husband only to be signing divorce papers years down the line. You could one day be holding that precious baby that came out of your womb and years later are at their grave side because someone raped and murdered your teenage daughter/son due to their own evil nature. The man you vowed to share the rest of your life with could be the very man you discovered molested the child that was conceived from his own sperm.  These are just a few of the many harsh stories we hear and sometimes sadly experience on a daily basis. All of which bring an immense amount of pain that we have to deal with and at times put on a strong front because ‘’ its life” or as many say “these things happen we just have to move on”. Like I said, pain is an experience not just a feeling. Feelings change but an experience lives on as a memory. 

We don’t gain wisdom, knowledge and strength by our own might and intelligence. It is the world we live in that forces us to rise above lives struggles and find meaning in life despite how much it may hurt. Everything good is accompanied by evil. Without the evil doings that are occurring in this world we could never be able to recognise and appreciate the good. Pain was designed with the sole purpose of shaping character. Now in which way it shapes your character solely depends on you. No one has the right to judge the actions you perform today because they don’t know yesterday’s pain. We might never be aware of the struggles our fellow peers have to endure. How you react to your own pain and downfalls is entirely up to you. 

You can either choose to be the woman who survived rape and used her pain to speak and relate to other young girls who have experienced the same or similar trauma; Or you can choose to be that woman who was raped and went through life having casual and meaningless sex to numb the pain that came as a result of her hurtful past. You can choose to be that man who was molested and used his pain to let young boys who have been through the same pain know that they are still worthy and in no way does it make them to be less of a man; Or you can choose to be that man who beats up all his girlfriends and rapes women because he gains his strength from seeing women cry. For him their weakness makes him feel like more of a man, because when he was molested he felt like he lost all his power to be a man. You can choose to be  that entrepreneur who advices upcoming entrepreneurs that even when your business is liquidated you can still make it with perseverance and the right attitude; Or you can choose to be that entrepreneur who gave up after his business went down and now resorts to substance abuse because he feels like he failed himself. No one can ever take away your hurtful past or control the sad experiences that life brings about. Someone can however learn from your pain and gain strength from it. The decision is entirely up to you for you have the freedom and will to deal with your own pain as you see fit.

At times pain is perpetual and it seems like it is never going to end. No matter how hard you try to see the beauty in life your situation only gets worse. Life my dear reader never stops or sympathises with anyone. It comes in seasons of good moments and seasons of painful moments. One thing I have learned being in a current season of pain myself is that it is okay to allow myself to feel the pain at times. It is okay to cry myself to sleep and wake up with a vivid memory of last night’s pain. My life might not be where I want it to be but in no way does it mean I have to lose hope. I am currently in a season of rejection which results in pain. I have had my moments of feeling useless and wondering why all my hard work and persistence is reaping zero results. Periods when I keep trying my luck to unlock the door of success only to find myself back at the same position I was in. I have learned that sometimes the plans you have in life will not come into existence at your preferred pace and time. In my season of rejection I have learned the importance of perseverance and patience. I have channelled my pain to bring out strength in someone else. Happiness ultimately is a choice.

 Complaining serves no purpose all it does is set you back for life was never meant to be easy. None of us are immune to pain, we all face pain but not all of us can experience joy. Joy is an extended satisfaction of happiness and the choice to be happy lies upon your attitude towards lives situations. No pain is permanent but irrational reactions to pain can lead to permanently damaging outcomes. It is important to be careful of the actions you choose to perform. The mere fact that you are reading this article is reason enough to smile. Whether you are reading it through tears or a broken heart or even shattered dreams you are still breathing and your heart is still beating, meaning you have another chance to give it a try and reason to let a smile emerge through pain.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Leave The Rags and Embrace The Fine Linen

You are the most beautifully, sculptured and handmade design to ever walk on earth. When you were born you were bathed in sanctified oil and wrapped around in only the finest linen. You were birthed as a princess of a royal priesthood and pearls were placed all over your body. From your facial features to your well defined body, you were planned to the “T” and there is no mark of a single mistake left on your body, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  You were presented into this world as a work of art for you are a one of a kind master piece. All this alone defines your exterior.

Within you is a warrior. A fighter and a survivor. You were shielded with an immense amount of strength hence only you alone can carry a seed and let it grow within you for an entire 9 months. Only you have been blessed with the ability to carry AND give life. You have been deemed as being emotional by those who don’t understand the transitions you have to undergo every month when your cycle comes. You have an ability to still hold it together even when your raging hormones are tempting you to fall apart.  When you were created you were given all the wisdom, knowledge, tenacity and will power to survive in this jungle of ups and downs that we call life. Your hands have a smooth, loving and nurturing touch. You have a powerful ability to forgive, nurture and give compassion without expecting any rewards for your kindness. Your insight always gives light to a dark situation. Your presence is felt whenever you step into a room for you exhort confidence. All these are an extension of your beauty and personality but what makes you truly beautiful is your ability to be yourself and the respect and dignity you uphold for yourself simply because you know your worth.

Knowing all this about yourself I sometimes wonder why you clothe and wrap yourself in rags when you were born being wrapped in fine linen? Why have you allowed the media to be your bible and dictator? Why have you lowered your worth just to gain attention from the wrong crowd? Why have you become so desperate for love that you are willing to take anything that comes along all because your image does not depict the image of the models you see on every magazine cover you have purchased? Why do you fear expressing your intelligence all because you have been deceived to believe that seduction and showing your skin are the only ways to get attention? Why have you made yourself to believe that your body is as far as your worth could ever be defined? Why do you give those who do not even know the real you access into possessing the definition of your own worth? Why have you allowed your insecurities to cloud that voice of wisdom that lies within you? As you try to answer all these questions you begin to realise how you have allowed yourself to drown in a pool of confusion, trying to figure out what led you to this point. It is time to drain out all that filthy water out of that pool of self destruction you have found yourself in. Clean out all those negative words that told you that you will never amount to anything. That the only way to ever make it in life is to marry a rich man. That women were never shaped to dream big and aspire for greater things and can only reach a certain level of success. If you ever suffered from such a mentality it is never too late to walk back into the path that you were always destined for.

When you were created, you were designed as that hope for a nation. When you are educated it is in your nature to pass on that knowledge to many others. Your wisdom alone can transform a hopeless nation into becoming a nation that is bursting with hope. Your number one role was to be a helper. In no way does it mean that you have to lose all your aspirations just to serve, but all that it means is that you alone hold the power to serve others into a greater place. You can serve orphans to feeling the love of a mother, you can serve a family to having its strong values, and these are just a few of the many things that your service brings about. Never feel demeaned by your role to serve because through service greatness emerges. Your active hand is what gives birth to greatness. 

Never allow yourself to be validated by societies idea of beauty. A society that has given a term to lighter women, making darker toned women feel as if they don’t measure up all because they are not “yellow’. A society that has made Botox and Liposuction become a norm and has made a size 0 become the new size 2. You are far above this so rise above these meaningless perceptions instead of conforming to them. You have allowed yourself to run a race with societies deceptive views, that to drive you to hate your own kind. Always looking down on your own kind, measuring your beauty and even the kind of men you date as being better all in the name of comparison. You need to WAKE UP and realise that pulling your fellow sister down is what is setting us back in becoming influential. We always work better and are stronger as a unit. It is time to put an end to the PHD (pull her down) syndrome and start a Pull Her Up movement if we ever want to become significant.

 Life is far too precious to waste time on indulging on negativity, all to please people you don’t even know. Define your own beauty and raise the standard you have set for yourself. This message is continually preached all because you just don’t seem to get it!!!!!! Let today be the day you see yourself as more than what the mirror conveys. You need to start making use of that immense potential that lies within you. You are something far more meaningful than that Indian hair or flawless make up. Yes they enhance your beauty but they can never define you WOMAN!

I wrote this article for all you beautiful sisters as it really saddens me to see how we have let ourselves go. Dignity and worth are slowly dying out. We are too focused on validating ourselves with meaningless things that we are failing to nourish our characters as women. Let us be the change we want to see in our daughters. There is still hope for our generation but it all begins with you. Another thing let’s stop hating on each other; it is so bad that even men can see how women never support each other. God shaped us to work better as a unit so let’s start supporting each other. I leave you with this one message” learn to know her story before you judge her actions, for you are your sisters’ keeper”